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I trained as a journalist, then as an urban planner, then I worked as a writer and editor then as a planner. I learned to teach yoga, make quilts, do Photoshop, design websites and use MailChimp.

Friday, June 12, 2015

In N Out That's what its all about!

In N Out  made the big time news in San Diego – it’s  opening  in Oceanside!!!  Right next to that “welcome arch”  (hopefully somewhat hidden behind it.)
A “chain “   place  in the downtown?  We are really reaching the big time.  Could Starbucks be next?
Believe me, I love the Pier View Coffee Pub.    Funkiness and locals at 6  a.m.  Excellent house brew!!
But a Starbucks west of I-5 would be a real accomplishment!
Some background:   All during the 80’s and 90’s we would here from market researchers.  Oh no.  A drive through will never work West of the Freeway.  “When we look at markets we see the ocean as a barrier, the railroad as a barrier and even bigger, the Freeway as a barrier.  No one will come over there.   We need spots east of I-5.
How stupid that seems now in 2015.
That’swhy there are only a few big chain  drive throughs  (like McDonalds’s)  on the west side, and why we were THRILLED   to get the one on Mission and Horne in the late 80’s.    It was some kind a fish place when it first opened.
So people looking for their fast food  fix had to go east on Mission where there is a row of them, and where these days, its not nearly as attractive as downtown.  (Downtown when I started there:  I did a parking study then.  Someone actually tried to recruit me for who knows what.  (But I was  dodging prostitutes and smelling the roaches and trying to overcome my fear of x-rated book stores )

So now a bigf time marketer is looking at the gateway to Oceanside for an In N Out.  I hope its not too garish!!!  The one on 76 is somewhat tasteful.  But imagine seeing that arrow coming down I-5.  I guess I do have mixed feelings!!

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